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Helping to Employ Veterans

Often, when our servicemen and women return home from combat, it is difficult for them to find new employment.  I believe that it is important to support our nation’s bravest and do all that we can to ensure a smooth transition into their next area of employment.

To help in this effort, I was proud to join with Congressman Rush Holt (D-NJ) to author a resolution that encourages the President to issue a proclamation calling upon employers, labor organizations, veterans’ service organizations, and federal, state and local government agencies to lend their support to increase employment of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces.  The “Hire a Vet” week resolution was once of the first pieces of legislation passed during the 110th Congress.
In addition to my efforts, the Department of Veterans has partnered with Monster Government Solutions of Monster Worldwide, Inc., and they have come up with a new plan to help veterans find jobs. This partnership between the VA and the online employment website provides veteran-owned small businesses with the opportunity to post job openings for veterans at a large price discount. The postings will be up twice as long as other postings and will also offer specific options for service-disabled veterans.

"This government-corporate partnership represents the best kind of effort to help those who gave up time in their lives to serve their country and return to an economic community that may not recognize their skills," said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake. "The program should make it easier for employers to find qualified job candidates as well as veteran suppliers and service contractors."  

To get involved, veteran business owners must go to and list their business on the VA’s online vendor page.  If you are a veteran looking for information about employment opportunities, visit  As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of my district offices.

Posted by Henry E. Brown (07-28-2008, 02:45 PM) filed under Veterans